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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Saint Paul College Loans

Loans are financial aid that must be paid back. 学生必须完成在线入学贷款咨询,并注册6个学分. mg电子试玩app提供基于需要和非基于需要的贷款.

mg电子试玩app(Saint Paul College) 2019年(可获得的最近一年)的3年制学生违约率为3%.4%. For information about the national average Cohort Default rate, as well as specifics by institution type, visit Federal Student Aid’s default management site.

Federal Direct Loan

Whether or not students qualify for a grant, 他们可以从直接学生贷款计划或其他几个可用的mg电子试玩app贷款计划中借钱来获得帮助,以满足他们的教育费用. 根据他们的资格,一年级学生每学年最多可以借5500美元. 在完成课程要求的30个学分后,学生达到大二状态,资格增加到每学年6500美元. 学生将从奖励信中了解他们的贷款资格.

Subsidized Loans are need-based loans. 在入学和宽限期期间,政府支付利息.

Unsubsidized Loans are not need-based loans. 学生在入学期间负责支付利息,但在宽限期之后才需要支付利息.

PLUS Loans (Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students)

想要帮助支付大学学费的受抚养学生的父母可以申请一个 PLUS Loan through the federal government. 家长可以借到学生的出勤费减去其他援助,前提是学生至少注册了6个学分. PLUS loans require a credit check. Repayment begins within 60 days of loan disbursement.

Begin the Parent PLUS Loan Pre-Approval process and Loan Processing

Entrance Loan Counseling Requirement

申请贷款的学生必须在获得第一笔贷款之前完成入学贷款咨询. 即使你是通过其他机构完成的,mg电子试玩app也需要这个. It is a guide to help students understand federal student loans, including repayment obligations, interest, enrollment requirements, accessing records, and who to contact with questions.

Begin your Entrance Loan Counseling

Exit Loan Counseling Requirement

Students applying for graduation, withdrawing, 或在mg电子试玩app停止注册并在注册期间获得联邦学生贷款的学生需要完成退出贷款咨询. 这是一个在线指南,帮助学生了解在宽限期和偿还联邦贷款期间的期望. 这一要求只适用于即将结束mg电子试玩app注册的学生.

Begin your Exit Loan Counseling

Federal Loan Reporting Information

If you receive a Federal Direct loan, 这些信息将被发送到您的贷款服务商和国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)。 . If you have questions about your loans when you enter repayment, 我们鼓励您联系您的服务提供商或在nsds网站上查找有关您的服务提供商的信息, 你有责任偿还你在mg电子试玩app收到的学生贷款. Other state agencies, federal agencies, colleges, 信贷公司将获得有关你同意偿还的贷款的信息. 这是在您的最佳利益有定期沟通与您的贷款服务,因为未能偿还可能有后果.

Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan
If your student loan debt is high relative to your income, you may qualify for the Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan. Most
Direct Loans除了为父母提供的直接PLUS贷款和为父母偿还PLUS贷款的直接合并贷款—are eligible for Pay As You Earn. To qualify for Pay As You Earn, you must have a partial financial hardship. Go to the Federal Student Aid website for more information on Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan.

Veterans Benefits and Cost of Attendance

Saint Paul College does not include veterans, ROTC, 和其他军事福利作为资源来决定学生的出勤费用. 在确定学生是否有资格获得学生贷款或勤工俭学时,这是最常见的.

Code of Conduct Policy for Saint Paul College Staff

以下行为准则是对8月14日签署成为法律的《mg电子试玩app》的回应, 2008. 它适用于所有mg电子试玩app的工作人员与联邦标题4学生贷款相关的责任,并禁止利益冲突. Where applicable, 本准则由《mg电子试玩app》取代, if more restrictive.

Code of Conduct (PDF)

Private Loans

我们强烈建议您向学院的财务援助办公室寻求免费或低成本的财务援助. Free or lower-cost Title IV federal, state, or school student financial aid may be available in place of, or in addition to, a private education loan. To apply for Title IV federal grants, loans and work-study, 提交一份免费的联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA), or by calling 1.800.4.FED.AID, or in the Financial Aid Office.

  • 私人教育贷款可能会降低获得免费或低成本联邦贷款的资格, state, or school student financial aid.
  • 如果您选择申请私人贷款,您需要填写私人贷款表格并将其提供给您的贷方.
  • 填写此表格所需的财务信息可以从学校的财务援助办公室获得. If the lender has provided this information, 你应该联系学校的财务援助办公室来核实这些信息,并讨论你的融资选择.
  • The FastChoice 工具可以比较mg电子试玩app学生在前几个学期使用过的私人贷款机构.

Go to Private Loan Form (PDF)

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